
Litterbox Lecture


Pet project


Nora, The Piano Cat

Charley the spacker cat

Surprisingly touching vid about Charley, a cat
with cerebellar hypoplasia. Essentially, this
condition makes him a clumsy oaf who walks
like a feline John Wayne. Cute.

Sleepy Kitten Song

Are you more cat or dog?

You Are: 50% Dog, 50% Cat

You are a nice blend of cat and dog.
You're playful but not too needy. And you're friendly but careful.
And while you have your moody moments, you're too happy to stay upset for long.

An Eye On You

Pix Mix


Kittenwar Book

This is what Amazon say about it:

“Kittenwar.com, the massively popular Web site that pits two photographs of adorable kittens side by side and asks the viewer to vote for a winner, has entered a new battlefield: the book. This action-packed adventure has something for every kittenwarmonger, whether a grizzled veteran or a fresh-faced recruit: more than 100 claws-to-the-walls kittenwars; expert battle analysis by the creators of kittenwar.com; a super-accurate Kittenological Personality Tester, the most comprehensive survey into cat naming ever undertaken; a guide to getting maximum cuteness from your kitten; a history of kittens in wartime and other times of great danger; and more. Filled with ridiculously cute kittens and cleverly funny text, no one can resist this call to paws. May the cutest kitten win!”

Buy from Amazon.com
Buy from Amazon.co.uk

Cats Sleeping Positions



click on pic for more


Cat in a bowl

Upgrade Your Cat

Oh… oh my. Japan, a country that never fails to blow my mind, has just seen the release of, according to Google's hilariously inept machine translation, the "Hello Kitty transformation set." It's basically a hat, bib, collar and carrying bag to turn your cat into the saddest, most ridiculous-looking cat on the block .