

Horse cuddling mission


65 amazing cat photos


What the,,,,

http://view.break.com/388549 - Watch more free videos

What kind of cat person are you?

What kind of cat person are you? Are you indifferent to cats, a cat owner, a cat lover or an irredeemable cat slave? Take this javascript-based cats quiz to analyze your true relationship with your cat.

My results:
You have completed the quiz and your composite answers reveal the following about your relationship to cats: Be afraid. Be very afraid. You are a helpless slave to cats, but that could come back to haunt you some day. Keep in mind that acceeding to their every wish is not always best for their welfare.


Kitten Talk


Having Fun



Catbloggers' Halloween Contest

It's Caturday Morning


Cat Drinking

Cat drinking
Hochgeladen von pisdi

Good friends

Good Friends
Hochgeladen von pisdi

Funky Cats

Hochgeladen von Lady_Faith

Pix Mix

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free image hostfree image hostfree image host
free image hostfree image hostfree image host
free image hostfree image hostfree image host
free image hostfree image hostfree image host

Cats & Babies



Fur Babies


Litterbox Lecture


Pet project


Nora, The Piano Cat

Charley the spacker cat

Surprisingly touching vid about Charley, a cat
with cerebellar hypoplasia. Essentially, this
condition makes him a clumsy oaf who walks
like a feline John Wayne. Cute.

Sleepy Kitten Song

Are you more cat or dog?

You Are: 50% Dog, 50% Cat

You are a nice blend of cat and dog.
You're playful but not too needy. And you're friendly but careful.
And while you have your moody moments, you're too happy to stay upset for long.

An Eye On You

Pix Mix


Kittenwar Book

This is what Amazon say about it:

“Kittenwar.com, the massively popular Web site that pits two photographs of adorable kittens side by side and asks the viewer to vote for a winner, has entered a new battlefield: the book. This action-packed adventure has something for every kittenwarmonger, whether a grizzled veteran or a fresh-faced recruit: more than 100 claws-to-the-walls kittenwars; expert battle analysis by the creators of kittenwar.com; a super-accurate Kittenological Personality Tester, the most comprehensive survey into cat naming ever undertaken; a guide to getting maximum cuteness from your kitten; a history of kittens in wartime and other times of great danger; and more. Filled with ridiculously cute kittens and cleverly funny text, no one can resist this call to paws. May the cutest kitten win!”

Buy from Amazon.com
Buy from Amazon.co.uk

Cats Sleeping Positions



click on pic for more


Cat in a bowl

Upgrade Your Cat

Oh… oh my. Japan, a country that never fails to blow my mind, has just seen the release of, according to Google's hilariously inept machine translation, the "Hello Kitty transformation set." It's basically a hat, bib, collar and carrying bag to turn your cat into the saddest, most ridiculous-looking cat on the block .


All Cute Cats

Everything about cats and kittens, from information to cute pictures.

Cat Me If You Can

Cat Cam

Ever wondered what your cat does all day and where he/she has been? Mr. Lee is a cat from Germany whose owner has equipped him with a small camera which takes a picture every few minutes.


The Ashera is the world's rarest and most exotic domestic cat. Lifestyle Pets Inc. describes it as a new breed of exotic that weighs up to 25 pounds and sports leopardlike markings. The Ashera is priced at $22,000.

But traditional cat breeders expressed doubt about the company's latest breeding accomplishment. Some breeders said the company appears to be serving up a rehash of an existing breed known as a Savannah, a cross between a wild African serval and a domestic cat.

Before you buy an Ashera you'd better read this article on the Ashera vs. Savannah Cat Blog.

Singing Cat

Weird Painted Cats

Shocking Cats

The Which Lolcat Are You? Test

You've heard of lolcats, haven't you? If not, go here.

Now there's the Which Lolcat Are You? Test. Answer questions and be awarded the title of one of 8 notorious lolcats.

Laws Of Cat Physics

* Law of Cat Stretching: A cat will stretch to a distance proportional to the length of the nap just taken.
* Law of Furniture Replacement: A cat's desire to scratch furniture is directly proportional to the cost of the furniture.
* Law of Cat Sleeping: All cats must sleep with people whenever possible, in a position as uncomfortable for the people involved as is possible for the cat.

Laws of Cats Physics


Helmi Flick

Digital cat photographer. Found this niche in my 50s in May of 2000 and now do it for a living. My husband, Ken, is my lighting guy, cat wrangler, roadie, techie and Business Manager. He is my specialist in photography; I'm the cat specialist.

That's Odd

Cat Joke #2

One day a cat dies of natural causes and goes to heaven. There he meets the Lord Himself. The Lord says to the cat, "You lived a good life and if there is any way I can make your stay in Heaven more comfortable, please let Me know."

The cat thinks for a moment and says, "Lord, all my life I have lived with a poor family and had to sleep on a hard wooden floor." The Lord stops the cat and says, "Say no more," and a wonderful fluffy pillow appears.

A few days later, six mice are killed in a tragic farming accident and go to heaven. Again, there is the Lord there to great them with the same offer.

The mice answered, "All of our lives we have been chased. We have had to run from cats, dogs and even women with brooms. Running, running, running; we're tired of running. Do you think we could have roller skates so we don't have to run anymore?" The Lord says, "Say no more," and fits each mouse with beautiful new roller skates.

About a week later the Lord stops by to see the cat and finds him snoozing on the pillow. The Lord gently wakes the cat and asks him, "How are things since you got here?"

The cat stretches and yawns and replies, "It is wonderful here. Better than I could have ever expected. And those 'Meals On Wheels' you've been sending by are the best!"


Cat Cartoons

Cat Joke #1

On the first day of creation, God created the cat.... On the second day, God created man to serve the cat.... On the third day, God created all the animals of the earth to serve as potential food for the cat.... On the fourth day, God created honest toil so that man could labor for the good of the cat.... On the fifth day, God created the sparkle ball so that the cat might or might not play with it.... On the sixth day, God created veterinary science to keep the cat healthy and the man broke.... On the seventh day, God tried to rest, but He had to scoop the litterbox.... Yes, it's a cat's world after all. Amen!

Cat Name Generator

Working with rescue groups, we know that sometimes the number of cats is greater than the number of names anyone can think of at that moment. For this reason we've built a random cat name generator for overworked rescue volunteers to use when they just can't quite come up with that perfect name.

The cat name generator pulls a name from our complete name database and displays it below along with the reason (if any) that it makes a good name for a cat.

All the names in our database, to the best of our knowledge, have been used as cat names over the years.

Go ahead and try it. You're under no obligation to use any name that comes up, but if you do, please let us know. Maybe we'll post some pictures of cats with their new names.

Cats are Democrats; Dogs are Republicans

Toast + Cat = Antigravity

The Daily Kitten

A new kitten every day..at 3.07pm